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Join Our Wild Family

Become a Monthly Donor

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Your monthly gift gives orphaned, injured, and ill wildlife a second chance at life—and ensures WildCare is here to provide the quality care they deserve.

Each month you will receive:

  • Acknowledgement of your gift.
  • Family-only email updates of our latest work and activities.
  • Information about other opportunities to meet with staff, learn about WildCare’s work.
  • Invitation to events just for members of the Wild Family.
  • Access to Wild Family-only times during our baby shower in the spring and open house in the fall.

You’ll also know you are making a difference every single month.

Join WildCare’s Wild Family and its community of members who understand the importance of making a long-term commitment to Oklahoma’s wildlife.

  • $20/month – provides fresh produce for fawns, raccoons, turtles, and other animals for an entire week.
  • $30/month – provides formula for orphaned infant wildlife for one week during baby season.
  • $60/month – funds physical therapy for an eagle, hawk, or owl so they can take flight when released.
  • $125/month – provides life-saving surgeries for three animals.
  • $250/month – funds a fellowship position—training the next generation of wildlife rehabilitators.

High Impact

Your monthly donation allows WildCare to take a planned, long-term approach. As a member of our Wild Family, you will collaborate with us to ensure every injured, orphaned, or ill wild animal in Oklahoma gets the care it deserves and a second chance at life in the wild.


Monthly giving means low administrative costs, which means even more of your money goes to where it’s needed most—saving Oklahoma’s wildlife one life at a time.


By becoming a monthly donor, Oklahoma’s wildlife can count on you . . . and so can we. Your regular support provides a sustainable foundation so WildCare can rehabilitate animals, educate the public, and advocate for our wild neighbors.

Join WildCare’s Wild Family, which includes:

Kermyt G Anderson ■ Teresa Bacon ■ Anthony Baumayr ■ Elizabeth Baxter ■ Carolyn Coffey ■ Tawna Dickens ■ Tracey Domingue ■ Joan Ferrell ■ Richard & Wanda Frost ■ Marco A. Gamez ■ Priscilla Gerfen ■ Amber Hefner ■ Robert & Jeannette Hulsey ■ Debra Hutsell ■ Ed & Janet ■ David Lockhart ■ Mike & Carolyn Manaugh ■ Rachel Mosier ■ Richard & Dianna Neaves ■ Debra O'Day ■ Regina Rainey ■ John Preston & Peggy Schultz ■ Pamela S. Schantz ■ Jon Stone ■ Myles Turney ■ Nancy Waller ■ Cindy Wieczorek ■ Kirk Williams ■ Linda Williams ■ Sara Wood

WildCare Foundation is a godsend for injured and abandoned wildlife. From the first time we brought an injured animal to them we were impressed by the compassion and dedication of all the staff. It’s important to ensure that they continue to provide this service to our wildlife. - John Preston & Peggy Schultz

After a tornado destroyed part of Moore, my daughter found some abandoned baby rabbits. She took them to WildCare. After learning more about WildCare I decided to contribute. - Kirk Williams

I support WildCare monthly because it's one small way I can help with the very expensive and humane care they provide to our lost or injured wildlife here in Oklahoma. Thank you to WildCare for always being there!!! - Debra O'Day

We learned about WildCare through the OKC owl cam. We were so impressed with the variety and number of animals that are cared for, we added WildCare to our charitable giving budget. - Mike & Carolyn Manaugh

My late grandfather, Dave Elliott, instilled in me a love and respect for wildlife. For example, he always had bird feeders, houses, and baths in his yard and kept a “junk pile” (old cars and tree limbs) in a ravine at his farm to provide protection to small animals. My donations to WildCare Foundation are made in his honor. - Regina Rainey

For all that WildCare does, it is the very least I can do to donate monthly to try and help wherever it is needed to mend our precious wildlife. It is an honor and one of the best places I’ve found to donate monthly. I just love what WildCare does! - Sara Wood